Documents (13)

Access documents relating to general meetings

  • 2021×
  • 2016×
  • Number of shares and voting rights×
  • Corporate social responsability×
  • OSEO label for French FCPI funds×
  • Réinitialiser
  • Number of shares and voting rights as of November 30, 2021

    3 December 2021 | 18h00 - File pdf (203,62Ko)
  • Number of shares and voting rights as of October 31, 2021

    3 November 2021 | 18h00 - File pdf (204,26Ko)
  • Number of shares and voting rights as of September 30, 2021

    7 October 2021 | 18h00 - File pdf (201,07Ko)
  • Number of shares and voting rights as of August 30, 2021

    6 September 2021 | 18h00 - File pdf (200,43Ko)
  • Number of shares and voting rights as of July 31, 2021

    10 August 2021 | 18h00 - File pdf (203,55Ko)
  • Number of shares and voting rights as of June 30, 2021

    8 July 2021 | 18h00 - File pdf (205Ko)
  • Number of shares and voting righs as of May 31, 2021

    4 June 2021 | 18h00 - File pdf (203,84Ko)
  • Number of shares and voting rights as of April 30, 2021

    6 May 2021 | 18h00 - File pdf (202,05Ko)
  • Number of shares and voting rights as of March 31, 2021

    13 April 2021 | 18h00 - File pdf (203,72Ko)
  • Number of shares and votin rights as of February 28, 2021

    3 March 2021 | 18h00 - File pdf (202,35Ko)
  • Number of shares and votin rights as of January 31, 2021

    5 February 2021 | 18h00 - File pdf (202,32Ko)
  • Number of shares and voting rights as of December 31,2020

    7 January 2021 | 18h00 - File pdf (193,14Ko)
  • Nombre d’actions et de droits de vote au 11 mai 2016 (in French)

    1 June 2016 | 22h27 - File pdf (139,51Ko)