
Legal Disclosures

This site is owned and edited by CARBIOS, whose registered office is located at the Biopôle Clermont-Limagne, 3 rue Emile Duclaux, 63 360 Saint-Beauzire, France. It is made available to users subject to their unconditional acceptance of the terms and conditions outlined below.

As the legal representative of CARBIOS, Benjamin Audebert is the Director of Publication for CARBIOS’ website.


Website host:

The site is hosted by the company SCALEWAY.

Company name: CARBIOS

Biopôle Clermont-Limagne
3, rue Emile Duclaux
63 360 Saint-Beauzire FRANCE
Phone: +33 (0)4 73 86 51 76
French Société Anonyme à Conseil d’Administration
RCS: 531 530 228 Clermont-Ferrand

Personal data and site use:

In compliance with provisions of the French law of January 6,1978 concerning data processing, data files and personal liberties, users are informed that they have the right to access, modify, correct or delete their personal data. Users can exercise this right by sending an e-mail to the following address: contact@carbios.oo or by sending a letter to the following address:

Biopôle Clermont-Limagne
3, rue Emile Duclaux
63 360 Saint-Beauzire FRANCE
Users are responsible for the data they submit. It must be accurate, legal and not harm the interests of other parties.

More information about legal issues can be found on the Cnil, « Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés » web site: CNIL

Some pages of the site contain PDF files. To read these documents, you need Acrobat Reader software:

The user declares he has the necessary skills and means to access and use this website. They also declare they have checked that the IT configuration used does not contain any viruses and functions perfectly.

Finally, the user also declares they have read these terms of use and agree to comply with them.

CARBIOS declines all responsibility for information available on its website and any use of this information or answers obtained to questions submitted via the site. Under no circumstances can CARBIOS be held responsible for damages of any kind, whether direct or indirect, resulting from use of this site or in relation to it.

Any attempt to transfer information to a third party’s site or to modify information contained on this site is strictly prohibited and may lead to legal action by CARBIOS.


CARBIOS website is designed to provide information. CARBIOS does not guarantee the accuracy, precision, updating or thoroughness of the information provided on the site and declines all responsibility for any possible errors, ambiguities or omissions of information available on this website.

Finally, CARBIOS reserves the right to modify the site in any way without prior notice.


It is strictly prohibited to create a link to the site or any third party of the site without explicit consent in writing from CARBIOS. CARBIOS cannot, under any circumstances, be held responsible for all the hyperlinks or any other IT elements used, directly or indirectly, via the website. The existence of an hyperlink does not in any way imply transfer of responsibility to CARBIOS.

CARBIOS does not guarantee or vouch for third-party sites in any way and cannot be held responsible for their content.

Hyperlinks embedded in the website that lead to other Internet sites in no way mean that CARBIOS is responsible for the content of these sites or the links they contain, nor for their terms of use.

Technical responsibility:

CARBIOS cannot guarantee that the home server for the current site is devoid of any virus or that files accessible by downloading from this website or any third-party sites are fre of viruses or functional errors. The user must take all necessary steps to protect his computer against any intrusion or technical problem that could damage the computer, its components or the data stored therein. CARBIOS is not liable for any damage occurring during connection to and browsing of this site.

CARBIOS engages its best efforts to ensure that it website remain accessible at all times. Nevertheless, CARBIOS is not responsible for any problems in accessing this site or interruptions in the connection, whatever the cause.

Intellectual property:

All articles, photographs and other documents on this site are the property of CARBIOS, or are authorized with the permission of their owners and have submitted to author rights and other rights of intellectual property. All reproduction or representation in whole or in part of this site, by whatever means, that is not expressly authorized by CARBIOS is forbidden and constitutes an infringement under article L.335-2 and the following of the Intellectual Property Code.

The database represented on this website is protected by the law of 11 July 1998 regarding transposition in the Intellectual Property Code of the European Directive on 11 March 1996 relating to the judicial protection of databases.  It is expressly forbidden to extract and reuse, quantitatively or qualitatively substantial, the content of the database that comprises this site.  All contravention risk sanctions sited in articles L.343-1 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.

Company names, trademarks as well as the logos contained on the site are registered trademarks (semi or non-figurative). All reproduction in whole or in part of the trademarks or logos that are part of elements of the site without prior express authorization of CARBIOS is prohibited with regard to articles L.713-2 and following the Intellectual Property Code.

The laws applicable to this site are French laws and the competent courts presiding over litigation arising from the connection and the navigation of this site and/or all use of information or files or any other document that it contains are French courts.

© CARBIOS 2021 – All rights reserved